My previous experiences
These are the schools I attended and the professional experiences I’ve had during my first years before going freelance.

Laval 3DI
I have a college degree (licence) from Laval 3DI video games school, where I studied visual art, 3D real-time graphics, AR/VR development and video game design. (2014-2018)

Arts et métiers (laval)
I studied for a master’s degree at ENSAM Laval. I learned game and software development, AR and VR tech, team management in many projects, Agile Scrum, etc. (2018-2019)

UNIge (genève)
Intern at BavelierLab, I was game designer on a serious game designed for research & therapy. (2018)

EMotional Game jam
I enter the Emotional Game Jam three times from 2016 to 2018 with my Team NoLan. We won two editions with our prototypes. I latered enter the Jury Team, judging the games made during later editions.

The fun institute
I worked at The Fun Institute as a Lead Game Designer. With a small team I did game design, level design, programming and music/sound design for an indie game prototype. (2017-2018)

I founded the studio NoLAN Games. We make indie games, we have released a few games now. We’re working on unreleased titles.(2019 – Ongoing)